Манга Всем известная любовь / A Well-known Love Affair
Myongsongi ttareuneun yonae 명성이 따르는 연애
4.48 (голосов: 42)
Глав: 30 Статус: Выпускается Жанр: драма романтика повседневность яой Год: 2022 Описание:
Мёнсон, воспитываемый отцом как «проект», устал от давящей «идеальности» ещё в детском возрасте. Однажды он сталкивается со своим другом из старшей школы, До Джонсу, который занимался доставкой курицы. Мёнсон начинает помогать Джонсу с искусством отношений, несмотря на все отказы. Джонс постоянно делал попытки признаться другим в своих чувствах, предлагая: «Давай, поцелуй меня. Как я учил».
Mёnson, whom his father raised as a “project”, had grown weary of the oppressive “perfection” since childhood. One day he encountered his classmate from senior school, Do Johns, who was busy delivering chickens. Mёnson began to help Johns in the arts of relationships, despite all refusals. Johns kept making attempts to confess his feelings to others, saying: “Come on, kiss me. Like I taught”.
Mёnson, whom his father raised as a “project”, had grown weary of the oppressive “perfection” since childhood. One day he encountered his classmate from senior school, Do Johns, who was busy delivering chickens. Mёnson began to help Johns in the arts of relationships, despite all refusals. Johns kept making attempts to confess his feelings to others, saying: “Come on, kiss me. Like I taught”.